Posts Tagged ‘Pediatric Healthcare Elverson PA’
Welcome to McCormick Chiropractic's Pediatric Healthcare Elverson PA Archive. Here you can learn more about McCormick Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Leo McCormick, today's choice for Chiropractors in Elverson, PA. Read Dr. Leo McCormick's Chiropractic Pediatric Healthcare Elverson PA for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - 610-286-7000.
by McCormick Chiropractic Elverson | Feb 7, 2024 | Health Articles

“As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.”
Have You Ever Noticed That Life Imitates Nature?
As I sit in my office and think about the spring season, I look at a picture of a Bonsai tree. On it is a quote from Alexander Pope that says, "A little neglect may breed great mischief." I visualize ...
by McCormick Chiropractic Elverson | Feb 3, 2022 | Health Articles

“As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.”
Have you ever wondered how life imitates nature?
As I sit in my office and think ahead to the spring season, I look at one of my favorite quotes by Alexander Pope placed on a beautiful picture of a Bonsai tree. From there I sit and visualize its ...
by McCormick Chiropractic Elverson | Feb 4, 2021 | Health Articles

“As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.”
Have you ever wondered how life imitates nature?
As I sit in my office and think ahead to the spring season, I look at one of my favorite quotes by Alexander Pope placed on a beautiful picture of a Bonsai tree. From there I sit and visualize its ...
by McCormick Chiropractic Elverson | May 29, 2018 | Health Articles

Have you ever wondered how life imitates nature? As a tribute to one of my favorite movies, the Karate Kid, I would like reference one of my first encounters of understanding posture and its relationship to nature through the lesson that was taught using the Bonsai tree. The ancient Japanese art form of ...
by McCormick Chiropractic Elverson | Feb 7, 2017 | Health Articles

“As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.”
Have you ever wondered how life imitates nature?
As I sit in my office and think ahead to the spring season, I look at one of my favorite quotes by Alexander Pope placed on a beautiful picture of a Bonsai tree. From there I sit and visualize its ...