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The Facts on Sciatic Leg Pain

Understanding Leg Pain

Your sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in your body, and runs from the lower back, down through the buttock, and all the way into the lower leg, where it controls the muscles in that area. It also provides sensation to the thighs, legs, and the soles of the feet. When the sciatic ...


What is More Effective than Drugs for Neck Pain?

more effective than drugs

Recent studies are showing that a more “hands-on” approach may be more effective in treating neck pain than traditional therapy or a physician’s care. The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, compared three modes of treatment to determine which was the most effective in improving mobility and reducing neck pain. 183 patients between the ages ...


Today's Strategy for Neck Pain and Increased Flexibility

reduces neck pain and increases flexibility

A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine shows manual therapy is highly effective in treating patients suffering with neck pain and restricted range of motion. Neck pain affects 10-15% of people and is particularly common among middle-aged men and women. 183 patients who had suffered with neck pain for at least a two week period participated ...


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