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Top Tips for Winter Activities Injury Prevention

Prevent Injuries During Winter Activities

It is no surprise that snow, ice and freezing weather can create problems for people. Slips and falls abound, for one thing. Those who like to indulge in winter sporting activities, however, are far more likely to receive injuries, especially if they have not conditioned their bodies in advance. Skiing, skating and tobogganing can all lead ...


The Single Best Strategy to Use for Back Pain Revealed

rated #1 for back pain treatment

Chiropractic has received an important endorsement from America’s most trusted rating organization. Consumer Reports has named Chiropractic as the top-rated treatment for the relief of back pain in survey results gathered from over 14,000 people. Low back pain is one of the most common physical ailments with over 80 percent of people in the United States ...


What are the Benefits of Chiropractic for Children?

improvements for children

Why would a parent not take a child to see a chiropractor? The basic answer might come down to no information or incorrect information. Here are some of the most common reasons why not: They don’t know about Chiropractic They don’t know about the potential benefits of Chiropractic They think that a Chiropractic adjustment might be too rough for ...


Patients Who Attend Chiropractors Are Most Satisfied With Their Care

patients satisfied with their care

Chiropractic patients continue to report that they are more satisfied with their low back care than medical low back patients. Consider these recent low back pain findings: Satisfied with care: Chiropractic patients 96% Medical Patients 84% Treatment was helpful: Chiropractic patients 99% Medical Patients 80% Likely to seek care from another provider: Chiropractic patients 14% Medical Patients 27%

Get the Scoop on Sendentary Lifestyle Before it is too Late!

solutions to a physically declining nation

As a nation, the United States is heading toward a sedentary, obese and very unhealthy condition. Individual sickness, unhealthy eating, pharmaceutical drug intake and personal disability are all on the rise. Lost time at work and even the costs for premature death add up to billions of dollars annually. The question of where to turn for ...


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