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Posts Tagged ‘Chiropractors Elverson PA’

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Stand and Sit Up Straight to Better Health

Elverson PA Back Pain

Most of us can still hear our Grandmother's voice ringing in our ears to stand up and sit up straight.  We did and our health is better for the swift and frequent reminders.  Unfortunately, that is an era gone by.  Most of our communications are received through a small screen that we slouch and slump ...


Osteoarthritis and Vitamin Deficiency

Supplements Elverson PA Osteoarthritis

It is well known that calcium is crucial for preventing bone and joint problems, but new research suggests there may be another mineral we should consider: zinc. In particular, a study suggests that levels of zinc within the cartilage cells may help to explain why tissue destruction occurs in patients with osteoarthritis. Arthritis is a leading ...


Are Vegetarians Really Healthier?

Vegetarian Diet Elverson

Whatever your reason may be for turning vegetarian, whether it be environmental, ethical or personal reasons, the question still exists: Are vegetarians really healthier than meat-eaters? A recent study of over 70,000 Seventh Day Adventists published in JAMA Internal Medicine has shown that male vegetarians in the group had a 12% lower risk of death from ...


Psychosomatic Symptoms, What Are They?

Psychosomatic Symptoms in Elverson

Many people have suffered psychosomatic symptoms, it may have been you or someone you know. A psychosomatic disorder is defined as an illness that seemingly has no known physical cause. A study has shown that out of patients complaining of 14 common symptoms, only a mere 16% had a physical cause for their complaint. The ...


Occupational Health and Safety, How Can a Chiropractor Help?

Elverson What Is Occupational Health and Safety

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) estimates that workplace-related injuries cost businesses nearly $170 billion each year. With this kind of money at stake, it’s easy to see that maintaining your healthy workers through an Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) program can have a very high return on investment! Chiropractors can play a major ...


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