Be Ready To Shout, I'm Healthy!
Almost everyone I know loves it when they can see the results from their hard work. Whether it is a student that studied hard to get an A, a well-earned promotion, the reached goal on weight loss, or the achievement of reaching that next level exercise, we as people love patting ourselves on the back ...
Join The Redwood Forest
ProService For Sports Injuries
Sports or exercise should be an essential step in maintaining your health. Exercise strengthens your heart, bones, joints and reduces stress, among many other benefits physically and psychologically. Unfortunately, injuries during our participation in athletic activities are all too common. Often, these injuries occur in those of us who are beginning a new ...
Eliminate Stress For A Healthy Life
Warm Weather Shoulder Pain Blues
At this time of year, we should be in full swing and enjoying the benefits of the sun and outdoor activities. Unfortunately, many of us are sitting on the sidelines or taking medication to play through the pain. One main culprit is what is often described as a "frozen shoulder."
Sound familiar? If so, read ...
Hard Hats Off To Success
Can Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome Be Connected?
Are you suffering from leg pain that may burn, ache, and radiate to your knee or worse yet be felt down to your toes? The bad news is that it hurts tremendously and you have become tired with the pain of trying to "cure" the problem with your leg. The great news is that it ...
Don't Be A Statistic
The Pursuit of Happiness Without Chronic Pain
Throughout the ages many of the greatest minds have pondered the simple question, "What is the purpose of life?" and have come to a variety of different conclusions. In fact, most of these great minds agree that as human beings we will all consider this question or some variation of this question at some point ...